Liturgy of the Word with Children

Liturgy of the Word with Children gathers children to celebrate the Liturgy using simplified readings and homilies to help them understand God’s Word. Children are called to the sanctuary (after the greeting) by the presiding priest and led by the lay presider to St. Joseph’s Chapel. The music, environment, reading, Gospel and homily of the day are presented in images that are familiar to the children. The children receive a handout with an activity related to the liturgy topic to share with their family. Liturgy of the Word with Children is currently held every Sunday during the school year (except Easter Sunday). Planning meetings are held about 4 times a year. Time commitment varies for presiders, musicians, and environment team members. Adults and teenagers who would like to help form our children in faith are welcome.

Ministry Contact: Kathy & Mark Van Benschoten
Contact Phone: 973-239-0924
Contact E-Mail:
Our Lady of the Lake, 22 Lakeside Ave., Verona, NJ 07044

Phone: (973) 239-5696    Fax: (973) 239-7190
(c) 2022 Our Lady of the Lake, a church of the Archdiocese of Newark