At Our Lady of the Lake, Baptism is scheduled for Sunday afternoons at 1:30pm, and usually takes place at least once a month. A catechesis is given on a weekday evening just prior to the Sunday baptism. At the catechesis, the spiritual and practical aspects of the Sacrament are discussed. This meeting, hosted by a husband and wife team from the parish and led by one of the priests or deacon provides an opportunity for community building and sharing.
For parents who have been blessed with a new baby and want to answer Christ's invitation to this new life, please call the rectory at 973-239-5696 to arrange a date for your child's baptism.
Our Lady of the Lake celebrates the sacrament of penance every Saturday at 12:00. Please call the rectory to make a private appointment if needed.
If you have a child entering 1st grade please contact our Faith Formation office at 973-239-7643 to learn more about registering your child for the program.
At Our Lady of the Lake, the Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated in 9th grade after each candidate has completed our Faith Formation program through 8th grade. Please contact our Faith Formation coordinator, Ursula Konrad, at 973-239-2950 with questions about our Faith Formation program and completion requirements.
After our 8th grade candidates have properly completed our Faith Formation program, they then enter the Youth Ministry program where they will prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation during their 9th grade year. Please contact our Youth Ministry and Confirmation Coordinator, Gina Butler, at 973-239-9312 with questions about Confirmation preparation and our Youth Ministry for high schoolers 9th -12th grade.
Confirmation candidates are asked to attend a special all day Confirmation Retreat for their sacramental preparation held during their 9th grade year. 9th graders are invited to join our weekly Monday night Youth Group meetings to continue to grow in their faith and relationship with God as important members of our church. Our Youth Ministry program offers social, liturgical and charity/service meetings and events throughout the year. Youth Group meetings are open to all 9th-12th graders and are held on Monday nights from 7-9pm in the Danny O'Callaghan Youth Center located in the OLL school auditorium. We also offer a week long summer mission trip.
To schedule a wedding for registered parishioners, please call the rectory office or speak to one of the priests. Arrangements must be made at least ONE YEAR in advance of the wedding date.