Hey teens! Youth group welcomes all 9th — 12th graders! We meet Monday nights of each month from the end of October through the end of May from 7 — 9 pm. We are excited to resume meeting in-person in our Danny O'Callaghan Youth Center located in the OLL School auditorium.
Our monthly meetings alternate between our Faith-themed Nights, Social / Game Nights, and Hot Topic Nights all designed and hosted by your peers to meet our teens where they are with kindness, respect and encouragement, and offer a Catholic youth community filled with fun, Christ-centered faith and discovery, activity and friendship.
Registration for Youth Group and any of our Youth Ministry service, social or spiritual events is ongoing. See the link to our new Google Doc Registration Form & Interest Survey below.
For more information, please contact:
The Youth Ministry Office at (973) 239-9312 located in the Parish Pastoral Center (building left of OLL School from Montrose Ave)
Email our Youth Minister Jeanette Mackesy at Jeanette_Mackesy@OLLVerona.org
Connect to us on Instagram: @OLLYMOff
Join our Remind: Text the message @OLLYthMin to the number 81010
Our faith theme for the 2021-2022 year is: "Belonging to the Body of Christ". What does it mean to belong? What do we find ourselves belonging to? What has God created for us to belong to? Through our Baptism through to our Confirmation we already belong to the Body of Christ and all the promise and purpose that holds, but what does that actually mean? As we all look forward to rebuilding our relationships, forming new friendships, discovering more about ourselves, our faith and God's plan for us, we will unpack what it means to belong to the Body of Christ, our Catholic Church with Jesus as the head, and we as the body.